For an International movie A K – 57 we need one Heroine immediately

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Кастинг, ID: 10685
Сроки кастинга
до 15 Сентября 2012
Страна, город
Россия Россия, Mumbai
Условия оплаты
Общие требования
19-24 лет, М/Ж
Expired Закончился Open Открытый кастинг
Кастинг завершился, приём заявок окончен.

Описание проекта

This is invitation to act in a multi-lingual movie to be produced by SHARP GROUP.

Who are the Producers you can see if you log on to their website ,it is

The name of the film is AK-57 .The film is in Russian ,English ,Arabic ,Persian and Hindi languages. We have already taken all character artists and singers from this website .

We have already created the prototype of the film on Super Computers .Now the same thing will be filmed with actual actors .The comments of various internationally famous people about the film can be seen at

Now this ad is only for

The role of One HEROINE .

About the Heroine : You should be between 19 and 24 years in age and should not be more than 170 cms in height .Must know English .Should be able to send us photos and video links on You tube .

The new talent from Russia have exposure to the theater , television and short films but not international commercial movies .Movies are a different field altogether .So we need to give training to the selected girl for 6 months or so and then she will be fit to work in commercial movies .This training we give and you do NOT have to pay any fees .But then we would like that actress to work only in our films for ten years on salary of USD 1,000 per month .There will be Ten percent rise in salary every year .So whether or not you appear in a movie you get fixed salary . But you can opt for such assignment only if you don’t have to settle in your own country or you are not in any serious relationship and want to get married or you have some other thing in mind about your future . You should be willing to settle down in India .

You should have international passport to travel to India .

Please send your photos and video if you have on you tube or on the net .

Best wishes

Shiv Raaj Ratnam
Global Chairman


На роль
Женщина возрастом от 19 до 24 лет
Кастинг завершился, приём заявок окончен.
Ссылка на кастинг:
Кастинг просмотрели: 5923 раз(а).
Всего подано заявок: 4 шт.
Смотрите также: Кастинги Кастинги в кино Кастинги в городе Mumbai

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