Рейли МакКлендон (Reiley McClendon)

День рождения

Рейли МакКлендон (Reiley McClendon) - известный по работам в таких проектах: «Перл Харбор» (2001), «Малыш» (2000), «Ловушка времени» (2018), «Район 37» (2014), «Схватка в небе» (2008),

Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and raised in Roseland. Reiley McClendon first told his parents that he wanted to be an actor at the age of four. At six years old when he was still interested in acting his parents, Eric and Holly decided to allow and help Reiley to pursue his dream. After getting a local agent and working on some smaller projects Reiley's parents decided to try a pilot season in California. Reiley and his mother temporarily moved to Los Angeles for his first pilot season. By the end of this season his family decided to make the permanent move to California. After which, Reiley's career flourished. McClendon graduated Grace Brethren High School in June 2007. McClendon's favorite sports include cycling, golf, volleyball and baseball. He plays the drums, and is teaching himself to play the guitar.

Наиболее значимые работы Рейли МакКлендон (Reiley McClendon)

Перл Харбор
Перл Харбор (2001)
Персонаж: Young Danny
Малыш (2000)
Персонаж: Mark
Схватка в небе (2008)
Персонаж: Kyle Barrett - Главная роль
Район 37
Район 37 (2014)
Персонаж: Andros
Шангри-Ла Сьют (2016)
Персонаж: 1950's Elvis
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