Ричард Сэммел (Richard Sammel)

Актёр (21),
День рождения

Ричард Сэммел (Richard Sammel) - известный по работам в таких проектах: «Жизнь прекрасна» (1997), «Бесславные ублюдки» (2009), «007: Казино Рояль» (2006), «Агент 117: Каир, шпионское гнездо» (2006), «Спенсер» (2021),

Born in Heidelberg; a curious and shy boy; found the key for his world through passion for music, dance and theater; Richard studied music and drama in Germany, acting and direction in France and method acting with Susan Strasberg and Francesca de Sapio in Italy. He first went on stage in 1981 at the local theater Hildesheim, then, from 1983 in France on independent stages, at national theaters and in the streets. In 1989 he moved to Italy and met Susan Strasberg: His cinema debut was in 1990 starring in "Il Piacere delle Carni" by Barbara Barni. In 1993, he moved to Paris and got the leading role in the film version of Brechts/Eislers" The Lindbergh's Flight". Since then he has worked on film, television, theater and dance productions all over Europe, in Canada, South Africa, USA, Macedonia, Morocco which brought him happiness and a lot of richly diversified creative and thrilling experiences Richard lives in Berlin and Paris since 2007. He speaks 5 languages fluently, travels a lot and loves to be challenged. - IMDb Mini Biography By: r sammel

Наиболее значимые работы Ричард Сэммел (Richard Sammel)

Жизнь прекрасна
Жизнь прекрасна (1997)
Персонаж: German Lieutenant at Station
Такси (1998)
Персонаж: German Gangster #1
Гусар на крыше (1995)
Персонаж: Franz
Бесславные ублюдки
Бесславные ублюдки (2009)
Персонаж: SGT. Rachtman
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