Майк Лидер (Mike Leeder)

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Майк Лидер (Mike Leeder) - , Кастинг-директор, Сопродюсер известный по работам в таких проектах: «» (2023), «Бесстрашный» (2006), «Кулак легенды» (1994), «Однажды в Китае» (1991), «Австралия» (2008),

Born and raised in the UK, a lifelong fan of Asian films, Leeder has been based in Hong Kong since 1990. In addition to serving as the Far Eastern Editor of Impact magazine, Leeder continues to contribute to such magazines as "Black Belt," "Inside Kung Fu," "Femme Fatales," and many more covering the Asian movie scene. He was also co-writer for "100% Jackie Chan: The Essential Companion," as well as contributing to a number of books on the genre.

He has worked both in front and behind the camera on a number of films and television series in Hong Kong and Asia, and such documentaries as "David Carradine: A Martial Arts Journey," Sony's The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture

 (2002), as well as several projects for Discovery Channel, Channel Four, and the Bravo network.

His most recent projects include Jet Li's martial arts epic "Huo Yuan Jia" (aka "FEarless")which saw Leeder working both behind the scenes as casting director, and on the accompanying documentary "The Passion of Martial Arts", and as an a actor playing the role of Referee Randall.

On Brett Ratner's "Rush Hour 3", Leeder served as Asian Casting Director working in association with Ronna Kress on the project. Other credits for Leeder include the movie "The White Wall", "Underground", "The Silencer", "A New Begining" and many more.

Leeder continues to work as a Producer, Consultant and Casting Director for projects in Asia and internationally

- IMDb Mini Biography

Наиболее значимые работы Майк Лидер (Mike Leeder)

Австралия (2008)

Должность: Кастинг-директор
Бесстрашный (2006)
Персонаж: Fight Referee
Должность: Кастинг-директор
Однажды в Китае (1991)
Персонаж: Western Restaurant Guest
Однажды в Китае 2 (1992)
Персонаж: Extra
Городской охотник (1993)
Персонаж: Casino Patron
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